Italian-Syrian artist
Silver plaque of the Sulmona Prize, Permanent works in dozens of public and private art galleries both in Italy and abroad. Active member within the Hyperspatialist Group, which in March 2014 announced its TEMPORALIST MANIFESTO OF THE FOURTH DIMENSION with the slogan:
by presenting works of painting, sculpture, installations, photos, video-art and performances that all revolve around the theme of the MANIFESTO, interpreting it with various facets, all within an International Event in which fifty artists participated, from the five continents who have joined the Manifesto, with their works exhibited at the Castello della RANCIA in Tolentino.
My art
Between originality and experimentation
My teachers:
There were many who influenced my artistic path, even indirectly. A tortuous path but straight in its intent, as there are various paths although united by a common denominator of research, experimentation, originality and love for colour. This all shines through not only in the methods but also in the materials due to their physical-chemical characteristics, obtaining attraction and repulsion effects also causing the aging effect.
My first teacher was Enrico Baj who believes not to sacrifice the genius and spontaneity of the apprentice with the aim of rigidly following the stages of the classical study of art, slowing them down.
I immersed myself in watercolors and am still in love with them for their transparency, sincerity and freedom (so much so that from the beginning I started watercoloring the same acrylic) but I also produced works with India ink, metallic colors and the airbrush.
My path has crossed almost all schools of painting: from iconic, to impressionist, expressionist and conceptual, abstract, collage, arte povera, gestural, sculpture, photography, video-art, passing through installations up to the fluid painting (pouring) modified in my Dynamic Art. And here my second master Michelangelo Pistoletto emerges, who, not wanting to be labeled with a distinctive stamp, jumped freely in making works that run indiscriminately between one school and another, if he didn't even put them together in the same job.
My approach and total involvement with the Hyperspatialists made me admire not only Lucio Fontana but also Agostino Bonalumi, Turi Simeti, Enrico Castellani and Piero Dorazio, without forgetting Emilio Scannavini and Roberto Crippa but also Georges Mathieu, Alberto Burri, Victor Vasarely, Hans Hurting , Arnaldo Pomodoro from whom I got obsessed with the sphere, its mobility and what it hides inside itself.
But what really struck me was Paul Jenkins because, as a watercolor enthusiast, since my early years I had been watercoloring everything I found with materials, recently pushing me to further develop this technique in my umpteenth research entitled "The turning point" and more particularly in “Melody”.
My leap from the third dimension of space to the fourth dimension of time (sealed in my proposal of the "Manifesto of the Fourth Dimension of Time"), was based on the realization that Space and Time are a single entity, Siamese twins indivisible but only artificially and arbitrarily separated, which unequivocally influence each other.
Following a reflection in which I tried to understand how one dimension acts and influences the other and who is the actor responsible for all this, I came to identify it in the Movement, the only sign of life according to our Leonardo (and here I am speaking generically about movement and not about the speed admired at the time by the Futurists). A perpetual movement, indifferently slow, fast, or even very fast, like what we perpetually observe in cosmic space, where we continually witness the birth but also the death of planets, stars or even galaxies which are swallowed up by a giant black hole or explode and reduced into infinitesimal fragments that scatter into the cosmic void while they once shone, ran and jumped with extraordinary vitality, which has always fascinated us in cosmic life and it was precisely in this way that my Dynamic Art was born.
At a certain point I wanted to go over my entire artistic journey again with all its stages but with a new interpretation and it was an experimental period defined as "P.T.D.T." (abbreviation of “Prove Tecniche Di Trasmissione”, a title stolen from the beginning of color TV) from which four lines emerged:
“Armonia” (spatulated acrylic on canvas), “Melody” (fluidized acrylic on fabric), “Fantasia” (fluidized acrylic on paper), “Sinfonia” (fluidized acrylic on canvas).
Art is harmony, ingenuity, originality and research.
- Medal of the Senate of the Republic
XI international art prize
"Saint Valentine"
Vico del Gargano (FG)
February 17, 2008
- Bronze medal of the Chamber of Deputies
International competition “S. Crispin”
VII Edition
Porto S. Elpidio (FM)
October 23, 2005
- Silver plaque "City of Sulmona"
XL Sulmona Prize
Sulmona (AQ) 5 October 2013
– Pescara: Mediamuseum
– Pescara: He5 Space
– Civitanova M. (MC): Batik Café
– Tolentino (MC): “La Cornice” Art Gallery
– S. Paolo di Iesi (AN): municipal spaces
– Serrapetrona (MC): Caburro Tunnel
– Monte S. Giusto (MC): The banquet of “Il Fauno”
– Morrovalle (MC): Municipal Museum of Palazzo Lazzarini
– Trodica di Morrovalle (MC): Caffè Spreca
– Macerata: Antichi Forni Gallery
– Montegranaro (AP): “La Perla” Theater
Italy: in addition to group exhibitions in various cities, present in the international art fairs of Bari, Florence, Forlì, Genoa, Padua and Reggio Emilia and at the Ar[t]cevia International Art Festival.
France: Paris (“Atelier Gustave” Gallery), St. Paul de Vence (Hotel de Charme Gallery).
Great Britain: Islington (August Art's Gallery Space).
Slovakia: Modra (Merum Gallery).
Azzolino Art Gallery (Roma);
Galleria d’Arte “La Cornice” (Tolentino – MC);
Pescara: MediaMuseum;
Nocciano (PE): Museum of Arts;
Sulmona (AQ): Municipal Art Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art;
Rome: Studio Soligo;
Falconara Marittima (AN): Municipal museum;
Morrovalle (MC): Municipal museum;
Pianella (PE): Civic Museum;
San Martino Sulla Marrucina (CH): Pirolo House Museum;
Serrapetrona (MC): Museum of Sacred Art;
Torreglia (PD): FLEXUS archive of the Sinestetico Group;
Cesano Maderno (MI): Fiorenzo Barindelli Collection;
Benevento: SAMAC Witches Museum of Contemporary Art;
Corato (BA): “Alfredo Oriani” State High School;
Palazzo Pignano (CR): Municipal Antiquarium;
Wandering headquarters: A whole museum on one wall.
– History of contemporary art – 40s** volume II – by Giorgio Di Genova;
– Catalog of the Civic Art Gallery of modern and contemporary art Sulmona by Cosimo Savastano – ed. Verdone.
– An all-round proposal, presentation of the catalog of the XXXVII Sulmona Prize edited by Carlo Fabrizio Carli;
– Conversations between Art and the Public (2010) by Roberta D'Intinosante;
– Nabil's hyperfantastic Hyperspatialism, from Albatros (VIII, n. 76, March 2008) by Maurizio Vitiello;
– Hyperspatial orbits, (October 2008) by Leo Strozzieri;
– The daily shocks of the Hyperspatialist Nabil Al-Zein, from The newspaper of Caserta (4 January 2007) by Maurizio Vitiello;
– Contemporary research VII national exhibition of visual arts city of Pianella (2007) by Leo Strozzieri;
– The work of Nabil Al-Zein, from Albatros (VII, n. 63, January 2007) by Maurizio Vitiello;
– Movimento Iperspazialista – itinerary of art beyond (2006) by Leo Strozzieri;
– “Nabil Al-Zein between East and West – space becomes a psychic phenomenon” edited by Ivan D'Alberto – Paparini Editore 2014 (online version: =116996 );
– “Dynamic Art” – edited by Maurizio Vitiello – Paparini Editore 2018.
“ACCA” Modern Art Yearbook ed. 2006 and 2007;
“Art Diary Italia” ed. 2007, 2008.2009, 2010.2011, 2012.2013:
“Art Diary International” ed. 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013;
“Art Florence 2008”;
“Arte Genova” 2008 and 2010;
“Arte Padova” 2007 and 2008;
“Art Reggio Emilia 2007”;
“AR[t]CEVIA International Art Festival ” – 2009/2010/2011/2012/2013;
“International Encyclopedic Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Art 2007”;
“AT THE COURT OF TRIUMPHS Tarot cards from their origins to the III Millennium: The Tarot Museum” vol. 1 – Hermatena 2009;
“Art at school IN CARTIS – a conquered map” edited by Leonardo Faccioli, Massimo Pompeo, Chiara Strozzieri – IL LEVANTE editions 2009;
“Art at school SEGNIXLIBRI – rectangles of love” edited by Leonardo Faccioli, Massimo Pompeo – IL LEVANTE editions – October 2009;
“Confini – Catalog of the 8th international painting competition Città di Laives” – 2006;
“Hyperspace Movement – itinerary of art beyond” by Leo Strozzieri – Artechiara 2006;
“40 years of avant-garde by Studio 2B 1967 – 2007” edited by Lorenzo Boggi;
“XXXV/ XXXVI / XXXVII /XXXVII /XXXIX/ XL / XLI/ XLII/ XLIII/ XLIV /XLV / XLVII / Sulmona Prize” curated by the “Il Quadrivio” Art and Culture Club of Sulmona
“Leo Strozzieri and hyperspatial orbits” edited by Chiara Strozzieri – Artechiara 2008;
“1000 artists at the Palace – showcase of contemporary art” curated by Luciano Caramel – Editorial Giorgio Mondadori;
“Art and the Web – towards new forms of expression of creativity” – by Simone Fappanni – immagin@aria EDITRICE 2008;
“Fifty artists for the children of Cameroon” – exhibition/auction catalog Kiwanis Club of Macerata – February 2011;
“Ambientarte III” edited by Massimo Nicotra and Sasha Zelenkevich – Artistic 6 Publishing Company, Associazione Culturale Novecento (Gaeta) – 2012;
“The fourth dimension in Nabil's art” by Nazzareno Trevisani – edited by Vendere Quadri – Intermediari d'arte – 2013
“March… temporal time TEMPORALISM” – Critical presentation Ivan D'Alberto – edited by CGroup & DonQuijote – Paparini Editore (March 2014);
PESCARART 2014 – Pescara Art Evolution – catalog of the fifth edition “Pescarart” – July 2014;
“Armonie – Emotions of colored notes” – Art Catalog “Armonie” – July 2017 (online version at:;
“Art Routes in Italy 2015” curated by Giorgio Di Genova and Enzo La Pera;
“Festival of Hyperspatialism” – Sancti Martini Corporation – 2018;
“StegArti duemila eighteen – Arch of Trajan Award” by Eraldo Vinciguerra – January 2018.
“Art within art” – 3rd edition 2019 – Fioroni graphics
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